More coming in the future.
Single image
Single image
Single image
Here you'll find a few of my current (or old) exercises and explorations in visual arts. Mainly, but not limited to:
- 3D-modelling
- Animation
- Graphic design
- Photography
Or anything else for that matter. You get the gist.
This will also include WIPs, sketches and proof-of-concepts.
Hi there

Feel free to make yourself at home while you're here.
On this page you'll find all sorts of things, as I intent to use this as a sort of central hub for some of the stuff I do.
You can expect a random assortment of my personal work here, but I will also include links to other places, occasionally.
If you came here looking for something specific, chances are it's one of the links I included below, either one of the permanent ones or the temporary ones, which I will change from time to time.

If you have any questions, feel free to swing by on Instagram. Alternatively, contact me via mail (

That's it for now.

Take care.

